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(03) 9391 1415


71 Hope Street, Spotswood
Victoria, Australia. 3015}

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The Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare was established in 1944 as a sessional kindergarten and has become a well known and trusted centre in the Hobson’s Bay area.  The centre was named after a local resident, Mrs Emma McLean who was a strong activist for the rights of young children, believing that they should all have access to kindergarten.

The first kindergarten session was housed in the Mechanics Institute, which originally occupied the site of the current playground. A new service was built in 1980 and in 1996 the centre expanded its range of programs to meet the changing needs of the community.

In 2023, the kindergarten underwent a major redevelopment, with the 43 year old building being completely demolished and replaced with a modern, purpose-built 88-place kindergarten, which opened to the community in 2024.

It now offers a range of services for children aged between 3 and 6 years of age, including sessional kindergarten, after kinder care and long daycare.

The centre is a non for profit Incorporated Association managed by a committee comprising of volunteer parents.   The centre employs 2 part-time Coordinators, who work together to oversee the needs of the centre, the children, and staff on a day to day basis.

Families are encouraged to become involved in the centre by providing input into program experiences and policy development, volunteer time as a parent helper or become part of the Committee of Management. 

The centre is wheelchair accessible and located within walking distance from public transport; Spotswood train station and bus stops. Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare is renowned for offering a warm, supportive and friendly environment which acknowledges and embraces all cultures and ethnic backgrounds.

The staff at the Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare aim to develop an exceptional educational program which prepares children for their future learning years. This is evident in the fact that the centre received a rating of Exceeding in all 7 areas of the National Quality Standards when assessed in 2018 and 2023.

The Hobsons Bay City Council own and maintain the premises as part of a licensing agreement and the centre receives funding from the Department of Education and Training.