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Steph is currently on maternity leave, but when she returns will be one of our Co-Educators in the 4 year old kindergarten program. Her passion for physical education, indigenous studies and the environment really shows in her interactions with children and educators alike.

Stephanie's Philosophy

I believe children should have the opportunity to express their individuality whilst learning to respect and understand others. Whilst education and knowledge is essential, I believe young children's development of emotional and social independence is of the highest importance.

I believe working with children as individuals and assisting them to develop their personal identity and wellbeing will also cater to their development working in groups.

My passion for educating children to become nurturing, kind and caring to all creatures big and small has lead me to incorporate a frogs program. This offers children responsibility and a good understanding of the world in which we live.

Promoting physical education to young children is also something that I am very Passionate about, as i believe children aren't exposed to enough physical activity. I incorporate a lot of organised sports activities as well and some informal experiences. This also leads to the opportunity to talk about healthy eating and the best ways to look after our bodies.

I also have a strong belief in incorporating an indigenous program and giving the children the knowledge of the land we live on. Providing children with the information of the history of our country will encourage them to respect and nurture our environment for years to come. It also exposes them to a beautiful culture that encourages the conversation of diversity.