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(03) 9391 1415


71 Hope Street, Spotswood
Victoria, Australia. 3015}

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The Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare is governed by an elected Committee of Management.

The Committee consists of family members of current and future children attending the centre as well as any interested persons from the broader community that have been approved. The Committee consists of up to four executive members and a minimum of ten other elected members all of whom are elected at the Annual General Meeting. All members are expected to sit for a period of 12 months until the following Annual General Meeting and attend monthly meetings to jointly oversee the activities of the organisation and to determine the required course of action. The Centre Co-ordinator and/or the Educational Leader also attend these meetings as the staff representative.

All Committee meetings are open and therefore all family members are welcome to attend and are invited to join sub committees to help with fundraising, policy development, planning and other issues. Only the elected committee members are able to vote.