(03) 9391 1415
71 Hope Street, Spotswood
Victoria, Australia. 3015}
Emma Mclean’s parent committee has a Compliments and Complaints subcommittee that consists of the following people:
Please to feel free to speak to the Centre Manager or Coordinator directly or one of the members of the Subcommittee if you have any concerns or complaints.
If you feel that this needs to be addressed formally please put your complaint and/or grievance in writing, referenced to the Complaints Subcommittee via email to a member of the Sub-Committee. Your complaint or grievance will be handled in accordance with the Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare Compliments and Complaints Policy
Further to this, if you feel that your complaint/grievance has not been dealt with appropriately by the Subcommittee you can direct your complaint onto:
Department of Education and Training
Footscray Office
PO Box 2141, Footscray, Victoria 3011
Level 9, 1 McNabb Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011
Phone: 03 7005 1801