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(03) 9391 1415


71 Hope Street, Spotswood
Victoria, Australia. 3015}

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Accessing a Funded Kindergarten Program

The Victorian Government provides funding so children can access a kindergarten program for up to 2  years before they start school. 

If your child is accessing either of these programs for the required time in the funded kindergarten program, they will be counted as an eligible child when we submit our data to the Department Education and Training.

Your child/ren can only be counted at one location and can attend only one funded program at any one time.

It is important for families to note that it is difficult to access more than one year of kindergarten for four and five year old children. If your child has a February, March or April birthdate we strongly recommend you speak to our experienced staff to consider the best options for them as it is common for children with these birth dates to defer and attend the following year. Current funding arrangements limit your ability to wait and see, so we encourage you to have the conversations while you have a choice. Once informed, we fully support the choice you make for your child.