(03) 9391 1415
71 Hope Street, Spotswood
Victoria, Australia. 3015}
Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare
This code of conduct has been drawn up to outline the standard of conduct expected of members of the committee of management, staff, parents, contractors and others involved with the Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare. The fundamental principles outlined in this code of conduct are intended to guide the above-mentioned group of people to act in a fair and ethical manner for the benefit of the Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare and its members.
The Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare is committed to the following values underpinning the interactions that committee, staff members, parents, students, volunteers and contractors have with one another and when they are representing the service.
The values that are most relevant to the Emma Mclean Kindergarten and Daycare are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness and courtesy.
All parties bound by this code will:
– ensuring cooperation of all committee members to manage the committee’s operations
– striving to attend all committee meetings and contribute productively to meetings
– acknowledging and respecting diverse views on the committee and amongst members
– participating in annual committee performance appraisal, renewal and succession planning
– developing a risk management plan and taking actions to mitigate identified risks
Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare
Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. We recognise the importance of, and are responsible for, and ensure our organisation provides a safe, supportive and enriching environment which respects the rights and wellbeing of and fosters the dignity and self-esteem of all children and young people, and enables them to thrive in their learning and development.
This Code of Conduct aims to protect children and reduce any opportunities for child abuse or harm to occur. It also assists in understanding how to avoid or better manage risky behaviours and situations. It is intended to complement child protection legislation, Department policy, service policies and procedures and professional standards, codes and ethics.
The Committee of Management and staff of Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare will support the implementation and monitoring of the Code of Conduct, delivering inclusive, safe and orderly learning environments and provide information and support to enable the Code of Conduct to operate effectively.
The Code of Conduct applies in all situations, including excursions and in the use of digital technology and social media.
All staff, contractors, volunteers, students and any other person involved in child related work at the Emma McLean Kindergarten and Daycare are responsible for supporting and promoting the safety of children and complying with the Code of Conduct by;
Acceptable Behaviours
Unacceptable Behaviours
All staff, volunteers, contractors, students and any other member of the Emma Mclean Kindergarten and Daycare community involved in child related work individually must NOT: