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(03) 9391 1415


71 Hope Street, Spotswood
Victoria, Australia. 3015}

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Centre Manager

Ros is Emma McLean's Centre Manager. She works alongside Andy, dealing with the day to day running of the centre. In her role as the Centre Manager she is respondent to and takes direction from the Committee of Management. Ros also takes care of the financial records, fees, invoicing, pays bills and general administrative tasks. She was employed at the Emma McLean Kindergarten in August 2004 and holds a Certificate IV in Business Administration.

Ros' Philosophy

I believe children need a warm and caring environment and to be supported by their educators. I believe families play an important role in each child's life as well as our kindergarten community. My role is to support the children, families and educators throughout the year to bring an inviting, cohesive and encouraging learning environment.